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Art Students Contest 


Winning High School art students team creates large inflatable sculpture with founder artist Alejandro Mendoza

WHAT: The youngest GIANT Monumental inflatable Competition /

WHO: Miami Dade Art High Schools Students apply as a team with a concept

WHEN: December 2022

WHERE: Miami Dade College Hialeah Campus

The winning team under the guidance of founders Alejandro Mendoza and Noor Blazekovic will create a large-scale monumental inflatable as a group project. As an integral part of the project the students will learn step by step how to produce, plan and organize a public art exhibition (outdoor) and an Opening night gallery presentation the exhibition will feature the sculpture-making process.


The project is designed to motivate students to learn about scale, mass, pattern making, group work, public safety, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, marketing and more. Rather than only models and drawings, the students are able to realize a full-size monumental inflatable sculpture. The construction of the inflatables gives students a chance to see how their design compares to what they imagined and anticipated.

Giants in the City are made of nonflammable Ripstop nylon fabrics and 70 denier nylon taffeta making them easy to pack once deflated. They are inflated and supported upright by a continuous supply of air through the bottom of each piece. A small electric generator supplies the air. The sculptures are extremely light in weight, yet are capable of reaching 45 feet in height. They inflate and deflate within minutes and are easily transported. The pieces include tension cables to anchor them and prevent them from moving in the wind.

QUESTIONS: email us at

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